Donna Allen Harris

Donna Allen Harris was born in Elizabeth City, North Carolina where she was one of the first black students to attend her previously segregated high school. Initially when she became interested in nursing, she applied to Fisk University, a well-known HBCU with an excellent nursing program, but was encouraged by her high school guidance counselor to apply to Duke as they were actively seeking African-American applicants. Not only was her application accepted to Duke, but she was awarded a full four-year scholarship.
In 1971, she received her Bachelor’s degree in nursing, becoming the first African American to graduate from the Duke University School of Nursing. She continued to expand her credentials through advanced coursework at East Carolina University, Stanford University, and the American Nurses Certification Corporation.
A member of Sigma Theta Tau, Donna Harris has served as a nurse in the hospital, public health, office, nursing home, school, research and teaching ennviroments. Her work history includes experiences at North Carolina Central University, Department of Social Services, Durham County Heath Department, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the Duke University School of Nursing. In 2006, she was a master trainer for the Arthritis Self-Help Course and the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, and she also returned to the Duke School of Nursing as a Social Research Assistant II. She received ongoing research support from the National Institute of Nursing Research for studying premature infants and self-management of arthritis.
This interview was conducted with Donna Allen Harris on December 4, 2008 by Jessica Roseberry.